Monday, October 15, 2012

Plan for the Week

Hello everyone!  Hope you all had a great weekend!  Here is a brief summary of our plan for the week:

Today:  We discussed reproduction in gymnosperms and angiosperms.  We also reviewed the life cycles of both gymnosperms and angiosperms and reviewed floral anatomy.

Tuesday:  We will sign up for what fruit you are going to bring on Friday.  In addition, we will discuss pollination, the development of fruit, and seed dispersal.  

Wednesday:  We will take our quiz over Floral Anatomy!  Make sure you look over your flower diagram and are label to label each structure and identify certain structures as male or female.  We will use the remainder of the class period to review for your Chapter 24 Test.

Thursday:  We will be taking the Chapter 24 Test.  After the test, you will use the iPADS to go on a "fruit webquest" to discover the different types of fruits in preparation for our lab tomorrow.

Friday:  First and third periods will collaborate with Mrs. Hurlbert's Culinary Arts class to identify the different types of fruits and to sample regular and exotic fruits!  Fourth period will have this same experience.  We just won't be able to collaborate with culinary because of class schedule.

Well...that's the plan for the week!  Looking forward to it!

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