Thursday, August 25, 2011

Have a great long weekend!

I hope everyone enjoys their long weekend!  Here are some things to be looking to for next week:

Monday:  Bacteria "Wanted" Poster or Virus Model due!!!!!!!!!  If you have any questions over the weekend, email me.  I will respond to them as quickly as possible.  My email address is  After we turn in our projects, we will review Chapter 19 (Bacteria and Viruses) for the remainder of the class period.

Tuesday:  We will take our test over Chapter 19.  Please be prepared!!!  We will begin discussing Protists after the test.


~Mrs. Lawson~

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Biology II Update

Hello Students and Parents!  I have a few updates to share with you today!

1)  1st period:  do not forget to turn in your BYOT form back to me!!!  This is very important to be able to use your choice of technology device once we start this program in early September.  If you do not return this form, you will not be allowed to use your technology.  So please do not miss this opportunity because you did not turn in a form.

2)  Bacteria "Wanted" Poster or Virus Model due August 29th!  I gave out your guidelines yesterday in class.  Please ask me if you have ANY questions.  I will be glad to answer them!  Don't miss points because you did not ask a question.  I am very excited to see what you all come up with!  :)

3)  Don't forget (which I know you won't) that we are out of school this Friday, August 26th due to the Bristol race.  Enjoy your long weekend and use it to work on your project!

4)  Cross Country Scrimmage Meet today at Daniel Boone High School at 6:30 p.m.  All you cross country runners...don't forget your shirt money.  The sooner you turn it in, the faster I can get the shirts ordered and get them to you!!!


~Mrs. Lawson~

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Today in class, we started our discussion about bacteria and started a case study about food poisoning.  Students were required to look at the facts of a case study and determine what food at the picnic caused the illness.  They also were required to determine the bacteria that made everyone sick.  We didn't completely get finished, so we will be working on that tomorrow.

I really encourage students to look over their notes again after class.  This really aides in memory.  They have also received a review worksheet that they need to complete.  

If time allows tomorrow, we will be looking at microscopic views of bacteria.

See you tomorrow!

~Mrs. Lawson~

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Reminders for Tomorrow

If you still haven't turned in your signed parent letter for extra credit, your permission form to post pictures on this blog, or your $15 lab fee, please try to have all that in by the end of the week.

1st period:  You have additional things to turn in for the school.  Please see yesterday's post for a list.  Also...for extra credit, you can bring in a roll of paper towels.

3rd period:  For extra credit, you can bring in a box of Kleenex.

4th period:  For extra credit, you can bring in hand sanitizer.

See you tomorrow!  We will continue our Biology I Review and get started with Bacteria on Thursday!

~Mrs. Lawson~

Monday, August 15, 2011

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a great summer and is excited to start another school year!  This is the website where you will be able to get homework and test reminders.  It will also be a great way for your parents to keep up with what you are doing in Biology II.  There was a lot of information given out today so I am going to summarize it for you in a list format, class by class.

Things to be brought back to school:

1st period:  Rights and Responsibilities Sheet (yellow) signed by parent, Student Data Sheet (pink), Medical form (white), $15 school activity fee, Parent Letter (orange) signed by parent for extra credit, and Permission form for pictures to be on blog (blue), and $15 science lab fee.

3rd period:  Parent letter (orange) signed by parent for extra credit and permission form for pictures to be on blog (blue), $15 science lab fee.

4th period:  Parent letter (orange) signed by parent for extra credit and permission form for pictures to be on blog (blue), $15 science lab fee.

***The $15 school activity fee and science lab fees are optional, and students will NOT be punished in any way for failure to return them.  But they do go to providing your child with the lab supplies and classroom supplies that they need to get the most out of their time at South and in Biology II.***

I hope everyone had a wonderful first day at school!  I am looking forward to this semester!  Tomorrow, we will continue to go over "Beginning of School" stuff and start a review to refresh your memory of Biology I concepts that often pop up in Biology II.

Mrs. Lawson