Monday, September 24, 2012

Chapter 22 Test Tomorrow!

Please don't forget to study for your Chapter 22 Test tomorrow!  Your Chapter 22 Packet will also be due at the beginning of class tomorrow.  In that packet, you should include:
  • Sections 1-5 Review Guides
  • Chapter 22 Study Guide

Also note that this week is HOMECOMING and a 3 day week for students.  Thursday will be Parent Teacher Conference Day, and Friday is an Inservice Day.  

Dress up days for HOMECOMING:
Today- Favorite College Team or NASCAR driver Day
Tuesday- Stoplight or Act your Age Day
Wednesday- School Spirit Day

Monday, September 17, 2012

Chapter 22 Section 1-3 Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow!

Don't forget to study your vocabulary words for the Chapter 22 Section 1-3 quiz!  You have 21 words to know for the quiz!  After our quiz tomorrow, we will be looking at moss and fern structures under the microscope.

The Academic Boosters is hosting Open House tonight at 6:30 p.m.  Many teachers should be available for parents to talk to and meet with briefly.

Have a great afternoon!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chapter 21 Test Tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow is your Chapter 21 (Fungus) Test!  Please study and have the following items ready to turn in:
  • Section 1, 2, and 3 Review Guides
  • Your Fungal Writing Assignment (3rd and 4th periods; 1st period did not get to this yet)

Make sure that you have studied and are prepared to take the test.  Studying the summary chart in Section 2 is a good way to organize the 4 different phyla and their reproductive structures.

Parents:  I sent home progress reports yesterday.  All students should have a copy of all their graded assignments with their overall grade as of Monday.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chapter 21 Section 2 and 3 Quiz Tomorrow!

Hope everyone enjoyed the fermentation lab that you conducted today!  Everyone did a fantastic job!

Don't forget...tomorrow you will have a quiz over Chapter 21 Section 2 and 3.  We will also be reviewing our experiment from today and reviewing for our chapter test on Thursday.

See you tomorrow!  Hope you have a wonderful afternoon!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Chapter 21 Section 1 Quiz Tomorrow!

First of all, thank you to all three of my Biology II classes that brought in their fungi for extra credit!  We got to look at a diverse population of fungus at the beginning of class, and it was a great experience!

Don't forget that you have your Chapter 21 Section 1 Quiz tomorrow!!!  It is a 10 question quiz.

You will also get progress reports tomorrow to give you an idea of where you are in the class and what improvements, if any, need to be made.

Hope you have a great afternoon!  See you tomorrow!

~Mrs. Lawson~

Friday, September 7, 2012

Starting Chapter 21

Today, we began our discussion about fungi.  We discussed characteristics, the 4 major phyla, and how each of those phyla reproduce.  We also worked on a review guide for each of the two sections that we covered.

There is no homework for the weekend, but those two review guides will be due Tuesday, September 11th.

Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!  Go Rebels!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chapter 20 Test (Protists) Tomorrow!

Please do not forget to study for your test tomorrow!  Use the study guide and key term review to help you study along with your notes!

These are the items that you will turn in tomorrow for your Chapter 20 Packet:
  • Protist Packet (given at beginning of the chapter, has coloring diagrams)
  • Chapter 20 Study Guide 
  • Key Term Review
If for some reason, you did not have the homework assignment for today finished, you need to finish it before tomorrow to avoid another bad grade!

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!