Friday, October 21, 2011

Fruit Lab

Today in class, we collaborated with Mrs. Hurlbert's Culinary Arts class to discuss all we have learned about fruits.  Mrs. Hurlbert's class has also been discussing the different types of fruits.  We joined her class and explained the different types of biological fruits.  We also got to sample some yummy fruits in the process!!!  Students were able to sample traditional fruits such as apples, bananas, pears, and strawberries as well as some exotic fruits such as starfruit, papaya, mango, and pepino melons!  As we discussed each fruit, students were asked what type of fruit it was that they were eating.  I think everyone really enjoyed this class collaboration project!!!

Little reminder...your flower models are due on Monday!  Make sure you label each of these parts:
  • Carpel
  • Stamen
  • Petals
  • Sepals
  • Anther
  • Filament
  • Stigma
  • Style 
  • Ovary
  • Ovule
Have a great weekend!  See you Monday!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Chapter 24 Test Tomorrow!

Don't forget that your Chapter 24 test is tomorrow!  Make sure you look over your notes/review guides from this chapter as well as study your flower diagrams and gymnosperm and angiosperms life cycle!  

After the test, we will begin discussing animals!  So made it through plants!  

Also...don't forget your flower model project due on Monday, October 24th!  Please feel free to ask any questions you may have!  I will be HAPPY to help!

Grades will be distributed next week.  But everyone should already know what you are making as I told you your grades on Friday.

Have a great day!
Mrs. Lawson

Thursday, October 6, 2011

More Leaf Practice

After grading the leaf tests last night, I realized that students needed more practice identifying the important characteristics of leaves.  Since it was a shortened class period due to homecoming, it was the perfect day to provide more practice and an opportunity to correct tests.  Students completed their test corrections and extra practice in class and should have no homework.  

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

~Mrs. Lawson~

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Leaf Identification Test Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, you will put your leaf identifying skills to the test.  There will be leaf samples in the lab for you to examine and answer questions about.  Your homework for tonight (and all the work we did in class today) should help prepare you for the test.  Make sure you know how to tell whether a leaf is:
  • Simple or compound
  • If compound, what type of compound it is (even pinnate, odd pinnate, or bi-pinnate)
  • Petiolate or sessile
  • Opposite or alternate arrangement on the stem
  • Parallel, pinnate, or palmate venation
  • Entire, lobed, parted, or serrated 
These are the major concepts that you will be tested on tomorrow!  Be ready!
Before we take our test, you will be turning in your homework...make sure it is ready and correct!!!

See you tomorrow!
~Mrs. Lawson~